Must attend full day to receive 7 hours of LA CES CEUs. During this presentation, participants will receive a comprehensive exploration of strategies for designing climate-resilient urban landscapes in Texas and gain insights into the unique challenges posed by climate change in Texas cities and practical approaches to enhance resilience through landscape design.
Key Objectives:
Understanding Climate Change Impacts: Participants will develop an understanding of the specific climate change impacts affecting urban areas in Texas, including increased temperatures, prolonged droughts, and extreme weather events. They will learn how these impacts can affect urban landscapes and communities.
Principles of Climate-Resilient Design: The presentation will cover principles and best practices for designing climate-resilient urban landscapes. Attendees will learn about strategies such as green infrastructure, water conservation, native plantings, and shade provision to mitigate climate risks and enhance resilience.
Water Management and Conservation: Emphasis will be placed on water management and conservation strategies in urban landscapes, including rainwater harvesting, stormwater management, and efficient irrigation practices. Participants will learn how to design landscapes that minimize water use and reduce the risk of water scarcity during droughts.
Heat Island Mitigation: The session will address strategies for mitigating urban heat islands through landscape design, including the use of shade trees, cool pavements, green roofs, and urban forests. Attendees will learn how to create cooler, more comfortable urban environments that promote human health and well-being.