Must be registered for Wednesday Education CEU sessions to attend. Please note, to receive a full 8 hours of TCEQ CEUs you must attend these sessions for the full day! Receive a comprehensive overview of how climate change is shaping the future of landscape design in Texas. Explore the long-lasting impacts of drought on the Green Industry and the urgent need for strategic planning to mitigate risks and adapt to changing environmental conditions.
Tips for Water-Saving Technology: Learn practical tips and strategies for integrating water-saving technology practices into your landscaping business. Discover innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies designed to optimize water usage, enhance efficiency, and promote sustainability in landscape design and management.
Actionable Steps for Working Smarter: Explore actionable steps and best practices that your business can implement now to work smarter and more sustainably in the face of climate challenges. From water-efficient landscaping techniques to drought-tolerant plant selections, discover practical solutions to reduce water usage and enhance resilience in Texas landscapes.
This session is essential for landscapers, irrigation professionals, urban planners, and anyone involved in the design, installation, or maintenance of Texas landscapes.
Dean Minchillo is an extension program specialist II with the Urban WISH team. In his role, Dean combines his expertise in water conservation and passion for the environment to build sustainable extension programs that support the Texas A&M AgriLife mission by delivering research-based, locally relevant, and beneficial programming to promote the protection of Texas’ natural resources. Dean has close to 20 years of experience working with water conservation program development, management and implementation with some of the most active organizations in Texas.